COVID-19 Updates
Village Office Open to Public with COVID-19 Provisions
The Village Office is now open to the public. For the safety of the public and our staff, we require ALL visitor to wear face covering and maintain 6 foot distancing at all times. Please use hand sanitizer and wash hands frequently.
You may NOT ENTER the Village Office If You Experience ANY of The Following:
Have experienced any cold or flu-like symptoms in the last 14 days
(to include fever, cough, sore throat, respiratory illness, difficulty breathing). -
Have been out of the country in the past 14 days.
Have had close contact with or cared for someone diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 14 days.
Have been in close contact with anyone who has traveled within the last
14 days to another country.
For your convenience, there is a drop box located by the door.
Kirstie DeGraff
The County Emergency Operations Center was activated 3/16/2020 in order to centralize efforts to respond to this quickly evolving crisis.
Livingston County has a dedicated website for COVID19-related information and all official, external communications from the County:
All calls regarding questions about COVID19 should be directed to the DOH toll-free hotline:
Livingston County Alert Center allows you to view all alerts and emergencies in your area. If there are alerts or emergencies, they will be listed below by category. To be instantly notified of alerts and emergencies (including COVID-19 updates) by text and/or email subscribe to: https://www.livingstoncounty.us/AlertCenter.aspx